Family Dentist for Kids and Adults in Indianapolis
Our family dentist Dr. Thomas J. Steckbeck makes teeth cleaning fun!
We want kids to grow up with healthy smiles and a healthy relationship with their family dentist. At Steckbeck Family Dentistry in Indianapolis, we’re passionate about oral health and making even the most petite patients feel comfortable and calm during their visits. We know that there are plenty of other activities your kids would rather be doing, but our friendly and compassionate family dentistry staff goes above and beyond to make the patient experience - dare we say it? - fun for them.
Just like adults, children should visit the dentist every six months. However, children's dentistry is slightly different than dentistry for adults because the eruption of teeth needs to be monitored. Baby teeth should erupt on a certain schedule, paving the way for healthy adult teeth to come in. Dental checkups are also essential for detecting signs of tooth decay and gum disease so they can be proactively treated.
Our dentistry professionals will make sure your little one is on track for outstanding oral hygiene and give them the tools and confidence to care for their teeth in between visits.
Give us a call at 317-888-8281 and we’ll set up an appointment for your child today.